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Whenever you have more than one participant in a room, you are dealing with a hybrid meeting meaning that:

  1. The people in the room can communicate with each other without the necessity of using the online platform
  2. The participants online can communicate with all the participants, both online and those in the room.


The case of participants just watching a meeting or webinar on a big screen without the capability to talk back to a selected person all or all other participants does not qualify as a hybrid meeting. 



Nagłówek 1


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sit amet pulvinar sem. Nullam vel accumsan dui. Fusce quis odio a enim finibus feugiat non non nunc. Donec ornare quam ut urna porttitor, nec egestas dolor porta. Fusce auctor venenatis mi, in porta sem consectetur vitae. Phasellus vestibulum mauris non ultricies tempor. Quisque egestas malesuada tellus, at porta ipsum sagittis ut. Phasellus nisi nunc, facilisis a viverra quis, semper non arcu. Pellentesque sed tortor arcu. Vivamus at sem semper, pretium mauris at, iaculis est. Sed dapibus ultricies accumsan. Vestibulum dignissim erat et magna laoreet ultrices sit amet sed nisi. Sed dolor nulla, dapibus eleifend sollicitudin nec, auctor sed leo. Cras tempus sagittis arcu eu bibendum. Ut neque nisi, consequat a volutpat sit amet, congue vel leo. Phasellus enim dolor, bibendum nec semper laoreet, fringilla quis lectus.



27 September 2019

Hybrid meetings - getting started

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